Nonlinear Dynamics and Dynamic Stability

Co-organised by:  Farbod Alijani, Jiří Náprstek, Alessandro Cabboi

The Mini-Symposium aims at highlighting/discussing new developments in the field of nonlinear dynamics of discrete and distributed parameter systems at different time and length scales. Contributions of theoretical, experimental, and applied nature are welcome. It is expected that both the classical fields of civil and mechanical engineering as well as the emerging areas of micro and bio-mechanics will be addressed.

The character of the mini-symposium is broad and includes contributions involving dynamic stability of discrete and continuous systems (smooth/non-smooth), deterministic and random oscillations subjected to additive/multiplicative excitation as well as limit-cycle oscillations and bifurcation dynamics. Other subjects of interest are modal interactions and internal resonances, auto-parametric vibrations, nonlinear normal modes, stochastic phenomena, synchronization, quasi-periodic and chaotic dynamics. Experimental studies to validate theoretical results or able to showcase peculiar nonlinear phenomenon are more than welcome.

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