Guidelines Oral Presentations

Presentations held during the parallel sessions will be 15 minutes with 12 minutes for your presentation and 3 minutes for questions. 

Each session room will have a laptop / pc which accommodates all formats of PowerPoint, though we do recommend that you use the widescreen (16:9) screen size for your PowerPoint presentation. 

When you are invited to give an oral presentation at the EURODYN2023 Conference, please consider the following to allow your session to run smoothly:

  • Keep to time as over-running impacts other presenters and the programme overall.
  • The deadline for uploading your presentation is 30 June 2023.



Log into your EURODYN2023 dashboard.

Go to:

Navigate to your accepted abstract and click on the title.

You will be redirected to the submission page with pre-filled info on the title and an option to either submit your presentation (live participation.


  • Make sure to bring your presentation on a USB or other storage media as a backup, just in case.
  • Make sure to arrive at the conference venue with plenty of time to find your session room to prepare on the day of your presentation.
  • Technical assistance will be available in each room throughout the event to solve any technical issues. 


Readability and Slide Formatting

  • Recommended 32 pt. font size to ensure everyone can read the slide.
  • Use high contrast between text and background, ideally black on white.
  • Keep text content sparse, 4-6 bullets per slide.
  • Limited, clear graphics work better than dense, jumbled slides.
  • Test printing slides in black and white to make sure all is readable and clear. This is particularly important for links and graphical images.
  • Make sure the slides presented for printing are the final copy that will be presented during your session.


Presentation Structure


  • If showing examples or links, have everything cued up ahead of the presentation and ready to go; do not waste time searching or loading.
  • Pick your approach: Case Study or presenting an approach, idea, or solution.
  • Decide on your tone: logical, emotional, or based on expertise.
  • Use a table of contents or some other way to chart your path and use it to identify "you are here" guideposts, both for you and your audience.
  • Tell them what you are going to tell them; set the stage for your talk.
  • Present your core thesis or message in a single slide near the beginning. A single "from-to" statement is very powerful (e.g., "I am presenting a Big-Data solution... selection"). 
  • Tell them; be clear, as this is where you do or don't make your point.
  • Follow up your thesis with two or three supporting ideas or examples. Pro/con, risk/benefit, and cost/value comparisons can help make your point.
  • Build transitions between your main point and supporting ideas and show the progression through your slides with the table of contents/guideposts.
  • Tell them what you told them; reinforce your message so they absorb it.
  • Briefly summarize your supporting points and how they demonstrate your core message.


Additional Resources

Meanwhile, here are some resources that may help speakers improve their design skills:

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