About EASD

The European Association for Structural Dynamics EASD has been formed primarily for the purpose of sponsoring and overseeing the organization of the European Conferences on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN) that are held at three-year intervals. These conferences are devoted to theoretical developments and applications of structural dynamics to all types of structures and structural materials.

President of EASD: Prof. Álvaro Cunha, Portugal

Executive Board
Prof. A. Cunha, Portugal
Prof. G. De Roeck, Belgium
Prof. F. Vestroni, Italy
Prof. M. Papadrakakis, Greece

Senior Advisory Board
Prof. G. Augusti, Italy
Prof. C. Borri, Italy
Prof. M. Brennan, United Kingdom
Prof. L. Frýba, Czech Rebuplic
Prof. H. Grundmann, Germany
Prof. T. Moan, Norway
Prof. G. Müller, Germany
Prof. C. Papadimitriou, Greece
Prof. C. Soize, France

History of EASD

EASD was founded in 1990 (Founding President: Prof. W.B. Krätzig of Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany) as a joint European initiative of experts in Structural Dynamics.
The idea of this series of conferences goes back to the early 1980ies when at the Ruhr-University in Bochum a Research Centre on Structural Dynamics was founded.
Structural Dynamics at that time had just overcome the phase of Single Degree of Freedom Systems. This was clearly because of the strong impact of computational technologies on structural engineering, but it also was due to the emphatic demand from dynamic problems of the engineering praxis which just at that time opened the gate to new frontiers in structural engineering: Long-span bridges for high-speed trains, high-rise structures, structural safety under seismic, wind and other time-dependent actions, just to mention some of them. Also, new qualitative requirements appeared, for example, vibration protection or dynamic reliability.

In the course of this mentioned Special Research Centre Prof. Krätzig got in contact with many European researchers from various fields of structural dynamics, such that the idea of a conference solely on structural dynamics arose, the 1st EURODYN in 1990 in Bochum. This first EURODYN was the starting point of now 10 conferences (Bochum, Trondheim, Florence, Prag, Munich, Paris, Southhampton Leuven, Porto, Rome) on this fascinating engineering discipline.

Past Presidents of EASD are:

2012 - 2017 Gerhard Müller, Germany
2008 - 2012 Gerhart Schuëller, Austria
2005 - 2008 Mike Brennan, United Kingdom
2002 - 2005 Christian Soize, France
1999 - 2002 Harry Grundmann, Germany
1996 - 1999 Ladislav Frýba, Czech Republic
1993 - 1996 Guiliano Augusti, Italy
1990 - 1993 Torgeir Moan, Norway

Founding President: Wilfried Krätzig, Germany

For more information visit the EASD website: http://www.easd.eu/

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