EASD Awards


Call for Nominations for EASD Research Prizes and Special Awards

The European Association for Structural Dynamics (www.easd.eu) announces six research prizes and special awards:

The EASD Research Prizes are given in recognition of outstanding and sustained contributions to the following areas:

1.           Methodologies for Structural Dynamics

2.           Computational Structural Dynamics

3.           Applications of Structural Dynamics

In each of those three areas Senior and Junior Prizes, respectively, will be awarded. Eligibility for Junior Prizes requires that the nominee is forty years old or younger and should not turn 41 in the year the award is presented.

Special Awards will be given for outstanding contributions to other important areas not encompassed above, such as Structural Dynamics Education, Transfer of Structural Dynamics Methods to Engineering Practice, etc. Special Awards are also given to honour individuals who have made outstanding and sustained contributions in the field of Structural Dynamics and related fields generally over periods representing portions of their professional careers.

General guidelines and features of the research prizes and special awards are listed below:

Eligibility: all recipients shall be contributors to past EASDs (European Conferences of Structural Dynamics).

The research prizes and special awards shall be given in Delft , 2-5 July 2023, at the 12th International Conference on Structural Dynamics EURODYN 2023.

Nominations: the EURODYN Awards Committee appointed by the Executive Board of EASD solicits nominations. Nominators may nominate no more than one individual for each of the prizes or awards. Self-nominations are not accepted. Nominators are invited to submit a one-page maximum combined nominating statement/vita in support of the nominee. The Awards Committee shall select the prize winners and awardees.

The Awards Committee chaired by an appointed chairman consists of experts in each of the areas stated above. It is the responsibility of the Awards Committee to make all preparations for the selection and preparation of the research prizes and awards to the awardees at the EURODYN. If a member of the Awards Committee is nominated for a research prize or a special award, that member is ineligible to vote for that award and is otherwise removed entirely from the selection of that award.

Call for nominations: 

Nominators are invited to submit nominations to

Prof. Guido De Roeck

Emeritus professor of KULeuven

Structural Mechanics Section

Kasteelpark Arenberg 40 - box 2448

3001 Leuven


E-mail: guido.deroeck@kuleuven.be


The deadline for nominations is April 15, 2023

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