Computational Fluid-Structure Interaction

Co-organised by: Oriol Colomés, Alexander Heinlein, Sebastian Schreier

Accurate predictions of Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) phenomena are crucial for many engineering applications and scientific disciplines. Due to the complexity of the interaction of the two media with different physical behavior, characterizations are often impossible without performing numerical simulations or experiments. The goal of this mini-symposium is to bring together leading researchers in Computational FSI to review the current state-of-the‑art in this field and foster an open discussion about new trends.

We welcome contributions related to:
+ the use of computational techniques for challenging applications of FSI
+ the development of new algorithms for FSI problems
+ the development of experimental FSI tests that can be used for validation of numerical simulations

Applications of interest include (and are not limited to): hydroelasticity, aeroelasticity, structural acoustics, or FSI in biomechanical applications.

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