Moving Loads

Co-organised by: 1Karel van Dalen, 2Traian Mazilu, 3Wanming Zhai,

1 Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

2 University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania

3 Southwest Jiaotong University, China


This mini-symposium particularly focuses on the modelling and in-depth understanding of the following fundamental problems in civil and mechanical engineering: 

  1. Dynamics of systems with spatially varying properties such as railway tracks excited by moving loads
  2. Modelling and analysis of vehicle-structure interaction, including stability analysis; this concerns conventional railway systems, but also high-speed Transportation systems such as Maglev and Hyperloop
  3. Dynamics of gun-tubes and railguns
  4. Frictional contact problems between moving bodies and elastic structures
  5. Pantograph-catenary interaction modelling and analysis, including tribological aspects
  6. Dynamics of underground tunnels and environmental impact
  7. Deterioration of structures/tracks, including granular materials (e.g., ballast), under the excitation of moving loads


Contributions outside these specific focal areas, but related to the topic of the mini-symposium, are also very welcome.



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