Footbridge Vibrations

Co-organised by: 1Elsa Caetano, 2Federica Tubino, 3Katrien van Nimmen4Peter van den Broeck 


1Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal

2Università degli Studi di Genova, Genoa, Italy,

3KU Leuven, Ghent, Belgium,

4KU Leuven, Ghent, Belgium


Modern, slender footbridges are increasingly prone to vibration serviceability problems. Vibration serviceability is becoming the principal design criterion for the vast majority of these structures. This Mini-Symposium addresses developments regarding the reliable characterization of the dynamic excitation and response of footbridges, their serviceability assessment and vibration mitigation techniques. 

The broad range of topics to be covered in this MS includes, but is not limited to, dynamic characterization of footbridges, dynamic loading, human-induced loading, human-structure interaction, dynamic response of footbridges, vibration serviceability assessment criteria and vibration mitigation techniques. We welcome contributions addressing either theoretical developments, numerical analyses and experimental studies covering footbridge vibrations issues.

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